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Geneticists for face-to-face consultations with patients and online consultations for patients and other specialists.

ICM boasts a genetic counseling consultation network distributed around all around Spain, supported by our team of geneticists, to help medical specialists and patients that need it. ICM has genetic consultation offices in the following provincial capitals:

  • Madrid
  • Barcelona
  • Bilbao
  • Valencia
  • Murcia
  • Other provinces: Contact us.

We hold agreements with most health insurance companies.

Appointment request: 902 121 054

Patient online consultation: pacientes@e-icm.net
Professional online consultation: profesionales@e-icm.net

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Centro de Diagnóstico autorizado por la Xunta de Galicia, inscrito en el Registro de Centros Sanitarios con el Nº C-27-001187
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