Severino González Roces
Chief Technical Officer of Genetics
Having been the Technical and Scientific Director at ICM since its creation, Severino is directly responsible for ICM’s positioning as a world leader in technological innovation and diagnostics. All technological advances in the field of genetics and molecular biology are immediately analysed and evaluated in the context of clinical diagnostics for exclusion or inclusion at ICM.
Severino has developed technology and diagnostic solutions for products currently being marketed by large multinationals, which has given him a wealth of experience in spotting the best technological opportunities and diagnostic applications. Severino trained as a specialist at Hospital Universitario Central in Asturias, placing first in the national qualification for the BIR (Biologist/Biochemist resident) immunology programme. He has made numerous scientific contributions with the publication of several cited articles and won the Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award. Since becoming Founding Partner and Technical Director of ICM in 1997, to date, he has developed and verified more than 3,000 genetic tests for ICM’s portfolio.
Over the course of Severino’s career at ICM spanning more than 2 decades, our Centre has been recognised on numerous occasions for its specialisation and technical capacity thanks to the outstanding efforts of its Technical and Scientific Director. Severino became a contracted investigator at Universidad de A Coruña, responsible for developing the teaching programme that ICM developed with Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.