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Panel ampliado de cáncer de mama (26 genes)
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Panel ampliado de cáncer de mama (26 genes)
650 €
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Panel ampliado de prevención de cáncer de mama


Your genetic analysis for breast and ovarian cancer


About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer to affect Western women. There are around 25,000 new cases diagnosed in Spain a year. One out of every 8 women will have breast cancer at some point in their life.   

With timely diagnosis, breast cancer can be cured in 90% of cases.

Breast cancer is a genetic disease caused by DNA errors, particularly in genes known as BRCA1 and BRCA2. There are other series of genes associated with breast cancer that can present with mutations that cause the disease.

Given the high global incidence of this cancer, international scientific communities have established classification criteria to identify those women at high risk of getting breast cancer, with the aim of establishing a series of early detection programmes, and in doing so, preventing the disease in many cases or detecting it during its early stages for more effective treatment.

Who is this test designed for?

Between 5% and 10% of women with breast cancer have a family history of high risk,while15% to 20% have a family history of moderate risk. However, population studies have shown that a large number of people identified with mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes do not come from high-risk families, and so, according to current protocols, no genetic studies would have been carried out, nor would they have been eligible for early detection programmes.

The international criteria are as follows:

  • Women with a personal history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer.
  • Women with ovarian cancer and a 1st-degree relative with ovarian cancer or breast cancer prior to menopause, or both.
  • Women aged ≤50 with breast cancer and a close relative with ovarian cancer or male breast cancer at any age.
  • Women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent with ovarian cancer.
  • Women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent diagnosed with breast cancer ≤40 years.
  • Any woman with high-grade ovarian serous, primary peritoneal or fallopian tube cancer.
  • Women with a close relative with a known BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation.
  • Women with a family background indicative of Lynch syndrome (HNPCC) like colon cancer (especially if it is diagnosed before the age of 50 years), or endometrial, ovarian, gastric or renal tract cancer.

What does the premium panel consist of?

This panel is a genetic study consisting of the analysis of 26 genes related to breast cancer, including BRCA1 and BRCA2.

Thanks to this study, it is possible to quickly and safely identify those women who carry a mutation in one of these genes. You will know your risk in just 25 days.

This will allow a specialist to intervene in a timely manner, implement the proper surgical or pharmacological treatments and monitor you more closely. Thanks to this early diagnosis, the onset of the cancer can be prevented or, when detected early, treated more effectively, considerably increasing the likelihood of survival up to 90%.

How is this test performed?

After a simple blood test, you will be given the results in just 15 days. To undergo the test, call 902 121 054 or email genetica@e-icm.net and we will tell you how to proceed and direct you to your nearest laboratory.

To undergo the genetic study, you must first complete the application form and sign the informed consent form.

Our genetic counsellors are here for you

ICM boasts a team of genetic counsellors to support you and answer any questions you may have, such as the risk of having a specific mutation, the risk of having cancer, whether or not genetic testing is suitable, the likelihood that your relatives may have the disease, etc.

You can count on them. They are there to help. Please email our team at pacientes@e-icm.net.

You could also attend a consultation with one of the geneticists of our group.

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Centro de Diagnóstico autorizado por la Xunta de Galicia, inscrito en el Registro de Centros Sanitarios con el Nº C-27-001187
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